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By Mary Beauchamp April 9, 2023
Discover what the science has to say about the potential that ketones have to improve metabolic function, brain function, heart function, and athletic performance...
By Mary Beauchamp April 6, 2023
The future of nutrition and the role of the ketogenic diet in the treatment of mental illness may very well hold hope for millions of people who have no hope.
By Mary Beauchamp March 14, 2023
The original diet of choice for seizures was a ketogenic diet--before anti-seizure medications came along. This article outlines the latest research on the potential benefits of a ketogenic diet on brain energy.
By Mary Beauchamp March 2, 2023
Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are the two most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). They can be treated, but there is no medical cure. Now there is hope for healing with the paleo-ketogenic diet.
By Mary Beauchamp February 22, 2023
It is wonderful that we have access to so many tools–but this can also be overwhelming for people faced with colorectal cancer when it comes to knowing what is best for them.
By Mary Beauchamp February 11, 2023
The future of nutrition and the role of the ketogenic diet in the treatment of mental illness may very well hold hope for millions of people who have no hope.
By Mary Beauchamp January 18, 2023
Dr. Nasha Winters, a global authority on cancer treatment, tells her personal story of being sent home by her doctor to die when she was a young college student diagnosed with terminal cancer.
By Mary Beauchamp January 4, 2023
Salt is an essential nutrient. Our body requires sodium (contained in salt) for all of our cells to function properly, especially our brain and nervous system. The human body cannot produce sodium, and therefore, it must come from the foods we eat and from the salt we put on our food.
By Mary Beauchamp December 16, 2022
Years of digestive upset culminated in suicidal ideations, depression, and anxiety until Mel discovered how to heal her gut by leaving veganism behind and adding meat to her diet.
By Mary Beauchamp November 18, 2022
LUPUS is a chronic, inflammatory, connective tissue disease that can affect the joints and many organs, including the skin, heart, lungs, kidneys, and nervous system. It can cause many different symptoms; however, not everyone with lupus has all of the symptoms. Also called SLE and systemic lupus erythematosus.
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