If you have an mental illness, you have an inflamed brain (and nervous system). The latest research shows us that mental illness is a metabolic disease. No different than obesity or diabetes or Alzheimer's disease. In fact, these are all very similar when you look at their cause. And... we do know their cause. If you look at the research, the cause is clear.
What if nutrition plays a much for important role in regulating moods and promoting mental health than doctors once believed? The future of nutrition and the role of the ketogenic diet in the treatment of mental illness may very well hold hope for millions of people who have no hope.
Mental illness is a topic that is very near and dear to my heart. I have several friends and family members with mental illnesses. In fact, my long time best friend, who suffered from manic depressive disorder (bi-polar disorder) committed suicide when we were in our late forties. Her daughter was best friends with my daughter. Our families had known each other since our kids were in kindergarten. The suicide was utterly shattering to myself, our families and of course our young teenage daughters.
Anyone who is affected by mental illness could learn a great deal from the recent groundbreaking new book written by Dr. Chris Palmer called
Brain Energy.
I can’t recommend this book enough for anyone who wants to better understand how nutrition plays a role in brain function and how brain function is impacted by metabolic function. This book is also available on
Along with many doctors such as Dr. Palmer and Dr. Georgia Ede, who are recommending dietary changes for their mentally ill patients, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride has been talking about this same how diet affect mental health (particularly for autistic children) for decades. In her book,
GAPS: Gut and Psychology, Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, A.D.H.D., Depression, & Schizophrenia,
she connects the dots between brain function, metabolic function and the gut microbiome. She has helped thousands of people reverse their mental and emotional symptoms by making dietary changes. I was so impressed with Dr. Natasha’s work, after my daughter cured her debilitating gastritis and depression, that I became a certified GAPS™ practitioner 6 years ago. I am passionate about the gut-brain connection and helping people restore their microbiome along with their metabolic function.
There is hope for you if you have a mental illness. The combination of medications, lifestyle and dietary practices can make a huge difference for many people (even people who are not finding benefits with traditional pharmaceuticals)!
We know that ketones affect the brain and metabolism in a very profound way. When a ketogenic diet is applied to people with mental illness, the changes can be life-changing and most importantly, nutritional therapies offer hope to those who may think they have tried everything.
The videos below feature some of my absolute favorite doctors who are all discussing nutrition and mental health.
It is no longer acceptable to separate the brain (and the emotions) from the body, and simply treat symptoms with medications, which very often do not make people better. Some people spend years trying different medications only to give up entirely. Now there is hope for millions of people with drug resistant mental illnesses.
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Mary Beauchamp
Best Selling Author
Registered Nurse
Ketogenic Diet Specialist
GAPS™Certified Practitioner
(Gut and Psychology Syndrome)
Mary Beauchamp’s deepest intention is to set people free. Her mission is to make people aware and conscious so that with that awareness, they can begin to heal and live deeply meaningful, integrated and empowered lives.
Drawing from her experiences growing up on a farm, raising her four children and traveling the world, her work provides a road map for health transformation through unlocking the body’s innate intelligence to heal and thrive.
Mary works with a team of Naturopathic doctors. She offers coaching programs, and retreats. You can learn more about her work by visiting her website, www.ketogenicdietcoach.com. Mary is passionate about re-educating people about nutrition. She invites you to experience your body as a master communication system and facilitates this sacred encounter within.