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Addressing Trauma Using Psychedelics

At the root of all dis-ease, is an emotional trauma. Psychedelic plant medicines are helping people rewrite their past.

As all of the “knowns” in your life cause your brain to think and feel in familiar ways, thus creating knowable outcomes, you continually reaffirm your life as you know it. And since your brain is equal to your environment, then each morning, your senses plug you into the same reality and initiate the same stream of consciousness. —Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

I have yet to see a physical symptom that is not rooted in a past trauma. If we pay attention, and remain curious and courageous, we can discover what is driving many of our (often unwanted) behaviors. This requires sharpening our senses and, as a result of this new awareness, we will become more sensible and sensitive to the world around us. Then we will be far more capable of responding (instead of reacting), making us more resilient and resistant.The external world is constantly signaling to our physiology through the mind’s perception of reality. How we see the world determines our biology. Unlike older systems of healing such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western medicine separates the physical body and emotional body (or psyche), into different parts, refusing to view them as one energetic system.

Thankfully, modern science is starting to see what medicine men and women, gurus, shamans, and ancient spiritual healers have always known: there are many unseen forces influencing our health. World-renowned doctor and leading expert in the field of epigenetics, Dr. Bruce Lipton, states, “Your beliefs act like a filter on a camera, changing how you see the world. And your biology adapts to those beliefs. When we truly recognize that our beliefs are that powerful, we hold the key to freedom. While we cannot readily change the codes of our genetic blueprints, we can change our minds.” Once we realize we can change our mind and our body responds, we have become our own placebo. In other words, our beliefs influence our body’s ability to heal. Unlike any other species, humans can heal with mind power alone.

I hope you enjoy the podcast!


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Mary Beauchamp

Best Selling Author

Registered Nurse

Ketogenic Diet Specialist

GAPS™Certified Practitioner 

(Gut and Psychology Syndrome)

Mary Beauchamp’s deepest intention is to set people free. Her mission is to make people aware and conscious so that with that awareness, they can begin to heal and live deeply meaningful, integrated and empowered lives. 

Drawing from her experiences growing up on a farm, raising her four children and traveling the world, her work provides a road map for health transformation through unlocking the body’s innate intelligence to heal and thrive. 

Mary works with a team of Naturopathic doctors. She offers coaching programs, and retreats. You can learn more about her work by visiting her website, Mary is passionate about re-educating people about nutrition. She invites you to experience your body as a master communication system and facilitates this sacred encounter within.

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